About Us
Common Voices is an Advocates’ Coalition determined to create a Fire Safe America. Our vision is to turn tragedy into advocacy.
In February of 2007, the National Fire Sprinkler Association brought a group together in Albuquerque, New Mexico for a focus group session of fire safety advocates. As a result of listening to the needs represented, Common Voices was formed an Advocates’ Coalition to deliver the message that “Fire Sprinklers Save Lives.” The group incorporated in 2010 in Tennessee.
Each of the Advocates that serve as the Coalition’s Advisory Committee have been directly affected by fire, whether they have lost a family member of are a burn survivor themselves. By bringing their voices together, they hope to educate others regarding fire and its devastating impact. The Coalition strives to make a difference by sharing their real stories and influencing change and avoiding future tragedies by installing fire sprinklers in all types of buildings. Their message is one of hope for our nation.
Current Advocates include Amy Acton, Bonnie Woodruff, Donna Henson, Gail Minger, Jeff and Tina Jordan, Justina Page, Pam Elliott, Rob Feeney, Sher Grogg, and Vina Drennan. Their goal is to develop meaningful ways for their involvement to aid communities across the nation that are being proactive with fire sprinkler legislation.
Learn more about our Advocates >
The Common Voices Coalition is actively engaged in support of the proposed Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act, which provides an incentive for business owners to retrofit fire sprinklers in high-risk occupancies across our nation. Tragic fires, such as The Station nightclub fire in Rhode Island, can be eliminated with the installation of fire sprinklers.
Members of the Coalition are also available to speak and provide testimony where needed. If you would like to request participation of a Coalition member, please contact us at 615-533-0305 or via our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!
Board of Directors
Their goal is to develop meaningful ways for their involvement to aid communities across the nation that are being proactive with fire sprinkler legislation. Learn more about our Advocates >
The Starfish Logo
The concept of using a starfish as the Common Voices logo comes from an adaptation of “The Starfish Story” by Loren Eiseley:
“As an old man walked the beach, he saw a boy picking up starfish and flinging them into the sea. He asked the boy, ‘Why?’ because he couldn’t possibly make a difference. The boy smiled and looked at the starfish in his hand, tossed it into the ocean and said, ‘Made a difference for that one.’”